Hard Drive Maintenance
Zmodo DVR’s have an auto overwrite feature that is designed to record over the earliest recordings once the hard drive is near full capacity. The overwrite feature, when turned on, allows the DVR to continue to record. However, when the overwriting sets in, the hard drive creates multiple partitions to manage the recording files. In the event that the hard drive creates more partitions than it can handle, you will start to see the DVR reboot every 3-5 minutes. We at Zmodo, recommend that you format the hard drive every 6 months to avoid running into a reboot loop on the DVR. Reformatting the hard drive will wipe all partitions and allow for the DVR to record again. In order to clear partitions and reformat the hard drive successfully, unplug the power going to the cameras. Access the hard drive menu in the DVR, and select format hard drive or HDD. Once the formatting has been completed, power on the cameras to resume recording again.
Source: http://kb.zmodo.com/index.php?solution_id=1052
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